Thursday, September 29, 2016

Reading Calendars and Animal Reports

Hi Parents! I have a few things that you might be interested in. 

Reading Calendars
September Reading calendars will be due soon. You can either send them back tomorrow Sept. 30th or on Monday October 3rd. I will be sending home October AND November Reading Calendars tomorrow. Please keep them in a safe place such as the Homework Folders, or wherever you deem to be a safe place. 

Since we are going off-track in a few weeks, I'm sending home the reading calendars for both Oct. and Nov. now.We will be off-track from October 20th-November 13th. Make sure that you write down how many minutes read each day that you read. 

Math Homework: This homework, (especially if sent home at the end of the week) will be DUE on MONDAYS!!

Animal Reports
We are doing Animal Reports here at school. If you don't see a library book coming home, this is the reason why. Every child checked out a book on an animal that they wanted to do their report on. The children are learning how to do basic research by reading their books and filling out the information for their reports. These will be completed here at school and not at home. 

Math 36 Club
So far we have had only two children pass off addition, and one of those students has also passed off their subtraction and their Humdinger. I hope that more of the children will be able to pass off their math facts soon. We have a few parents that have been coming in to test the students here at school, but they need extra practice at home too. Thanks for helping your child succeed at math.

***Congratulations to Lexi Stevenson for passing off all three of her 36 Club facts: addition, subtract and Humdinger and Colin Turnbaugh for passing off his addition. 

Every Friday, the whole 2nd grade celebrates the children who pass off Math 36 Club. They receive a certificate and get to put their name on a chart. We want to celebrate every child in the class this year.

Thanks so much for all of the parents who have been coming in to volunteer in class and those trading out Take-Home Reading books. I also wanted to thank those of you that have sent in things for our class store. The children LOVED having store last week and we will have one more before we go off track. They are working hard to earn as many Dragon Bucks as possible. So any donations sent in are truly appreciated!

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